This blog, Shut up, Shealea, does not use the conventional star-rating system in reviewing books. Instead, I rate books according to recommendation level, that is, how highly or how intensely I would recommend them to other people — both avid readers and non-readers alike! For a more detailed explanation, check out my review policy. Nonetheless, I hope my recommendations are helpful to you!

This is reserved for the god-tier of literature and for all-time favorites that I instinctively, immediately recommend to everyone, regardless of their reading preferences. I have nothing but absolute faith, love, and confidence in the merits and enjoyability of these books.

These are phenomenally written books that, in my opinion, would appeal to a very large majority of readers. I believe that they should be picked up and read right away.
Additionally, in situations wherein I’m asked for a recommendation for so-and-so genre or with so-and-so characteristics, these titles are most likely the first to come to my mind.

These are great books that would not be universally loved by everyone, but would still appeal to a niche group of readers. I believe that they are very much worthwhile, and I would still recommend them to a specific audience.
Note: An asterisk (i.e. recommended*) indicates that I was not the intended audience for the book, which likely affected my reading experience with it.

These are well-written books with significant and indisputable merits. However, they either contain a substantial amount of offensive/triggering material or are vaguely problematic/controversial. Hence, while I would not entirely dismiss them, I must emphasize that readers should dive into these books carefully and with due caution.

These are books that I cannot, in good conscience, encourage other people to pick up and read for themselves. I would recommend these books to literally no one, not even to the worst of my enemies.