Last August, news broke that Jade City is getting a TV series adaptation. For obvious reasons, Book Twitter went wild. Meanwhile, I jumped at the chance to promote the Green Bone Agenda! Hence, I pitched the idea of a Green Bone Saga read-along, which would be dedicated to the first two books of this highly acclaimed fantasy trilogy.
Okay. Jade City read-along!!! WHO IS IN?
— Shealea ? (@shutupshealea) August 13, 2020
Reply with “My blood for the clan. ?”
What is the Green Bone Saga?
The Green Bone Saga is an urban fantasy trilogy written by award-winning author Fonda Lee. Specifically, this series consists of Jade City (2017), Jade War (2019), and its upcoming final installment, Jade Legacy (2021).
Set in an Asia-inspired metropolis that’s reminiscent of 1970s Hong Kong, two feuding clans grapple for power through blood, violence, and economic influence. The story follows the young heirs of the No Peak Clan who are suddenly thrust into leadership. The fantasy aspect of this trilogy comes from Kekon’s mystical jade, which lends its users superhuman abilities and strengths — provided that they have the right training. In other words, you can expect magic, martial arts, and mayhem.
Moreover, the Green Bone Saga is my all-time favorite adult fantasy. I first read Jade City in 2018, and it’s been living rent-free in my mind ever since. I just have so much love for this series, and I am extremely excited to share that love with more eager readers.

What is the Green Bone Saga Read-along?
The Green Bone Saga Read-along — or more simply, the Green Bone Read-along — is a small community event where readers delve into Jade City and Jade War together. In addition, its official hashtag is #KeepingUpWithTheKauls.
Although participating readers are more than welcome to read at their own pace, this read-along follows a recommended schedule. Specifically, six weeks are allotted for Jade City while another six weeks are for Jade War. All in all, the Green Bone Saga read-along will run from late September to mid-December.
The simplest way to participate is by joining the official Discord server and using the hashtag (#KeepingUpWithTheKauls) on social media. But if you’re feeling extra, you can also challenge yourself with some fun Instagram prompts!
Finally, at the end of the read-along, readers who have successfully finished both books will receive Green Bone Saga swag from the author herself. Huge, huge thanks to Fonda Lee for volunteering as a sponsor for this read-along!

Read-along Schedule
Since this read-along is dedicated to two books of a trilogy, there are two separate schedules.
Jade City (September to November)
Weeks | Dates | Chapters |
Week 1 | September 27 to October 3 | Chapters 1 to 10 |
Week 2 | October 4 to October 10 | Chapters 11 to 20 |
Week 3 | October 11 to October 17 | Chapters 21 to 30 |
Week 4 | October 18 to October 24 | Chapters 31 to 40 |
Week 5 | October 25 to October 31 | Chapters 41 to 50 |
Week 6 | November 1 to November 7 | Chapters 51 to epilogue |
Jade War (November to December)
Weeks | Dates | Chapters |
Week 7 | November 8 to November 14 | Chapters 1 to 10 |
Week 8 | November 15 to November 21 | Chapters 11 to 20 |
Week 9 | November 22 to November 28 | Chapters 21 to 30 |
Week 10 | November 29 to December 5 | Chapters 31 to 40 |
Week 11 | December 6 to December 12 | Chapters 41 to 50 |
Week 12 | December 13 to December 19 | Chapters 51 to epilogue |

Discord Server
I’ve set up a Discord server for the Green Bone Saga read-along, and everyone is encouraged to join in the chaos! While you can easily share your reading progress on Twitter or on Goodreads, the Discord is the perfect place for unrestricted reactions and spoiler-filled discussions.
Moreover, there are chapter discussion channels that follow the read-along’s schedule. Additionally, there are also channels where you can share your Hilo fan casts, speculate on Jade Legacy theories, and interact with other read-along participants! Not to mention that joining the server is a must if you want to earn prizes.

Instagram Photo Challenges
For readers who want an extra challenge throughout this read-along, there are weekly challenge prompts for bookstagram! The prompts are drawn from the 6 major characters in Jade City and the 6 disciplines of training that all jade warriors need to master before they can earn their jade.
Make sure to tag your photos with the read-along hashtag (#KeepingUpWithTheKauls) so that they are easier to find.
Character Prompts
? Lan: As the eldest among his siblings, Lan carries the burden of protecting his family and upholding their legacy. For week 1, post a photo featuring books with heavily burdened characters.
? Shae: Shae holds no leadership position in the clan and wears no jade by choice. But neither is a reason to underestimate her! For week 2, post a photo of books that exceeded your expectations.
? Hilo: Hilo is the widely loved Horn of the No Peak Clan. Aside from his feared street-fighting skills, he is also known for being big-hearted and hot-headed. For week 3, post a photo featuring books with stubborn characters.
? Anden: As the youngest among the Kaul heirs, Anden is finishing his training at the Kaul Dushuron Academy. For week 4, post a photo of books that are set in school/academy.
? Wen: Wen is a stone-eye woman who is definitely more than what meets… the stone-eye. Um. For week 5, post a photo of books with a twist that caught you off-guard.
? Bero: Bero is a lowly street thief who dreams of wearing his own jade and acquiring power. For week 6, post a photo featuring books with characters whom you want to punch in the face.
Discipline Prompts
? Strength: Kekonese jade can lend its user unbelievable physical Strength. A jade-wearing reader can probably carry their entire TBR stack with just one hand. For week 7, post a photo of the longest or thickest books found on your bookshelf.
? Lightness: Lightness is an ability that enhances speed. For week 8, post a photo of books that you easily breezed through or books that you just couldn’t put down.
? Deflection: Jade-enhanced counterattacks are very powerful and are a good way to protect yourself. For week 9, post a photo of your go-to reads for escapism or comfort.
? Channeling: One good use of Channeling is healing. And sometimes healing can come in the form of books that truly resonate with you. For week 10, post a photo featuring books with relatable characters or books that allowed you to see yourself on-page.
? Perception: Perception allows you to see beyond. Especially beyond the shallow and obvious. For week 11, post a photo of books that challenged you and brought you out of your comfort zone.
? Steel: Steel is an extremely durable metal. Much like its metal counterpart, users of Steel can endure almost anything. On the last week of the Green Bone Saga read-along, you’ve survived the first 2 books of the series — and that’s worth recognizing! It’s time to show off your tear-stained copies of Jade City and Jade War.

Read-along Prizes
At the end of the Green Bone Saga read-along, swag prizes will be handed out to those who have proven themselves worthy. This opportunity is open to readers worldwide! More specifically, the prizes include the following items:
- No Peak clan stickers
- Clan oath postcards
- Signed bookplate from Fonda Lee
But how can you earn your Green Bone swag? Simple. You need to rise through the ranks as the read-along progresses.
On the Discord server, everyone starts without a role in the clan. After pledging allegiance to the No Peak Clan through the oath, you will earn your place as part of the Green Bones. Next, once you successfully finished reading Jade City, you will be promoted into the clan’s Fingers. Similarly, once you successfully finished Jade War within the read-along period, you will be promoted into the clan’s Fists. Only Fists are allowed to fill out the claiming form for the swag items.
In other words:
- Step 1: No role in the clan.
- Step 2: Green Bones. ?
- Step 3: Fingers. ??
- Step 4: Fists. ???
And before you ask: yes, I am the Weather Man of the Discord server. I will also enlist the assistance of Lantern Men for moderating all the channels.

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Finally, if you really enjoy my content, consider further supporting me by leaving a one-time tip ☕ or joining my sunflower garden. 🌻🍃

I’d love to hear from you!
? Are you going to participate in the first-ever Green Bone read-along? In addition, will you try your hand at the fun bookstagram prompts and challenges?
? Have you read Jade City and Jade War by Fonda Lee? Or are they still gathering dust on your TBR shelf?
? How did you react when you first learned about Jade City‘s TV series adaptation? Are you as excited as I am?
I am so excited to finally have a reason to push me to read these books I bought AGES AGO because of your glowing recommendation! Joined the server and am looking forward to reading these books with the group
This is such a great initiative! I’m currently reading Jade City for the first time, and though I’m enjoying it, I’m finding it a bit overwhelming as well and I haven’t been able to keep up with it very well. I’ve decided to take a break from it and finish it later! But I’m excited for the adaptation news, because I think I’d enjoy this story as a tv show more!
I have been wanting to read these. ?
Not gonna lie, I was planning on waiting for Jade Legacy to release and just binging the series but this SOUNDS AWESOME so I must participate. My heart is already being broken by TPW trilogy but let’s just give it something else to cry about as well ?
I love this so much! ? Especially the roles and the promotions – such an immersive experience, Shealea. I’m so excited for this! I may be less active because of *important life events* but I’ll do my best to join along. At the bare minimum, I’ll be re-reading the books for sure. ?
I am excited for this read a long. It’s kind of perfect timing because I just finished reading Jade City, and just started Jade War, and really wanted to discuss it with other readers. The instagram prompts look like great fun, I will try my best to do as many as possible. I am also excited about the TV show. I don’t have any fan casts right now just really hope who ever is adapting really loves the books and characters enough to bring them to life correctly.
The first thing I did was join the Discord server. HAHAHA So excited for to reread these books!! ?
Oh… this sounds to be an anticipation of mine! ? I love your ideas, Ate Shealea! They are just so enthralling and fantastic.
I haven’t yet read this series, but I’m just so excited now!
Green Bone Saga virgin here. I’m hoping to join if at a slower pace (or not i may love it so much i drop all other obligations). That discord system looks so elaborate. This is very well thought out.
AAAH! It’s here! And I am so excited!!! I ordered both the books and am waiting for them to get delivered! My blood for the clan!!!!!
(I have no idea what the saying is, but this is how I remember it)