Eight months. It’s been eight — long and insanely eventful — months since I formally announced my indefinite blogging hiatus on social media. And it’s been ten(!!!) months since I last wrote a blog post, which was a positively glowing review of Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger.*
To say that “it’s been a while” hardly does justice to nearly a year’s worth of FOMO (fear of missing out), existential anxiety, self-doubt, and exhaustion. But on a much brighter note, it was also many amazing months of soul-searching, focusing on my final leg of college (yep, I’ve graduated!), recovering from the worst burnout ever, exploring other bookish platforms (I’m on bookstagram now!), and rediscovering feelings of excitement at the idea of creating content. More on the last one later!
With all that said, I really am happy to be back on the blog — especially since it’s undergone an extensive makeover — and relieved to rekindle my creative energies again. A part of me was terrified that I’d never get my ✨ blogging mojo ✨ back, but thanks to the unwavering support of so many friends and a few lessons on self-care that I was forced to learn the hard way, here I am! And more importantly, here is the prettier, shinier, and more sunflower-y Shut up, Shealea.
Welcome to Shut up, Shealea 2.0!!!
Cue the explosions of virtual confetti and paper sunflowers. 🌻🍃 And whatever fanfare you prefer. (We’re inclusive here. ?)
Secretly working on this huge revamp has sparked so much joy and fondness in my heart, but it has also caused a healthy dose of stress and frustration — mostly frustration that I had to keep this revamp a closely guarded secret from all most of you. As much as I wanted to scream from the mountaintops that I had plans of coming back, I didn’t want to put any external pressure or expectations on my shoulders. And I really wanted to figure out the nooks and crannies of this space at my own pace. But I digress. (As per usual.)
In true Leo fashion, I’m unveiling Shut up, Shealea 2.0 on my birthday. Because what’s a better birthday present than my online presence? Don’t answer that. And make sure to stick around for the grand giveaway!
* Note: Due to the allegations made against Paul Krueger, I have rescinded my support and I no longer endorse or recommend Steel Crow Saga or any of his works. Read my full statement.

Vision & Inspiration
After many years of blogging about books, I realized that I just wasn’t fully content with what I was writing anymore. The online book community has come to mean so much to me, but I couldn’t deny that there was a growing disconnect between myself and the personal space I’ve carved out for my thoughts, ideas, and passions. And it was affecting my attitude towards blogging and content-making.
In the early part of 2019, I launched Shut up, Shealea for the first time. It no longer revolved around bookish content; instead, I introduced it as a literary and lifestyle blog. Even then, however, something still felt missing. I couldn’t figure it out, and it was incredibly frustrating.
I’m so glad that I allowed myself to take a long hiatus from blogging. It really helped me take a step back, engage in meaningful introspection, and reevaluate what I want to do moving forward, especially with my blog.
In its present form, this blog is now an unapologetically me space. Shut up, Shealea focuses on literary, media, and lifestyle content, but ultimately, it is a platform for my longstanding passions (like books and literature), newer passions (like media), and ones that I’ve yet to stumble across.
I love that my blog has evolved so drastically — in the same way I have throughout my seven-year stay in college — and I adore that there’s still a lot of room for growth. I can’t adequately describe how perfectly fitting it feels, especially as I close one chapter of my life and dive headfirst into a new chapter rife with both possibility and uncertainty (read: entering the workforce in the middle of a global pandemic, oof ?).
For the past month and a half, a lot of thought, labor, love, and — let’s be honest — money went into the making of this blog. But of course, creative outputs, including online blogs and virtual spaces, are never made in a vacuum, even though I kept this hidden from most prying eyes.
I’ve definitely taken some inspiration from fellow content creators, all of whom I admire very deeply. Their work and their persistence have helped me to see the value in what I do and to find the drive to continue creating. I missed out on writing a nomination post for the 2020 Book Blogger Awards (hosted by my dear friends, May and Marie), so I want to take a moment to spotlight the following book bloggers who’ve inspired me throughout this whole process. If your page views mysteriously leaped at some point this month, it’s because I forgot how to properly write an about me page.
- Kal @ Reader Voracious
- CW, Skye, and Joce @ The Quiet Pond
- Fadwa @ Word Wonders
- Tiffany @ Read By Tiffany
- Lauren and Orianna @ Love Yo Shelf
- Lauren @ Northern Plunder
- Kate @ Your Tita Kate
- Nandini @ Novels and Nebulas
- Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books
- Tracy @ Truffle’s Literary Wonders

If you’ve been following me on social media (particularly Twitter and Instagram), then you aren’t a stranger to how hectic and eventful my life has been throughout the past few months. I’ve reached a couple of big milestones, and I just generally have a lot to celebrate.
- Finishing my undergraduate thesis amidst the world’s longest COVID-19 lockdown
- Graduating Cum Laude from the University of the Philippines Diliman ?
- Launching an official website for Caffeine Book Tours
- Unlocking follower milestones: 1,000 followers on Instagram and 5,000 followers on Twitter
- And of course, celebrating my 24th birthday today
Unfortunately, as a freshly unemployed college graduate, I don’t have the means to host anything extravagant — but Sam has very generously offered to sponsor this huge giveaway to help me celebrate. I honestly cannot thank her enough! Make sure to check out Sam on her blog, bookstagram, and twitter — and don’t leave until you’ve clicked that follow button.

Giveaway Details
Due to the shipping restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the giveaway winner can select either of these prizes:
- 1 book of their choice that’s worth $30 at most (bought via Book Depository or local indie bookstores)
- Kindle books of their choice that’s collectively worth $30 at most (recommended for countries where Book Depository doesn’t ship)
This giveaway is open worldwide, and the Rafflecopter will accept entries until September 16, 12:00 AM (Philippine time). May the odds be ever in your favor! ?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Thank you for reading!
My main affiliates (such as Amazon and Fully Booked) are disclosed at the bottom of this website. Making purchases through my affiliate links will help me earn a tiny commission at no extra cost to you.
Finally, if you really enjoy my content, consider further supporting me by leaving a one-time tip ☕ or joining my sunflower garden. 🌻🍃

I’d love to hear from you!
🌻 It’s been a while. How are you doing? How’s your mental health?
🌻 What do you think of my blog’s new look? Are you now sick of seeing sunflowers on your screen? (The cute illustrations on the homepage were drawn by my little sister! ? I could only dream of having that much talent at 12 years old.)
🌻 I haven’t blog hopped in a while, so now is the time to promote your latest blog post in the comment box below!
Happiest of belated birthdays to you my sweet, and I am so sad your triumphant return to blogging occurred during my hiatus because I MISSED OUT ON SO MUCH! I have truly missed your voice and I know you’ve missed blogging so much, I am happy you revamped the blog and are back.
I love the revamp! Your blog looks so professional and almost soothing. You did an incredible job. Thanks so much for the shout-put & your friendship, I adore you.
Happiest of birthdays and congratulations on the revamp and relaunch!!
Excited for all the posts that are about to come!
Hi! I’m glad you relaunched your new account! Let me share something. Hehe. I was in a reading slump for 8 months. Yep! 8 months? and I was so frustrated with myself until I finally found the right book recently. Im just happy that I am back to reading as you are with blogging. Congratulations as well on graduating with flying colors!
I am so beyond late but belated Happy Birthday! I’m so glad I found your blog it’s honestly one of my favourites, your posts are always so interesting and informative and I love that I can look through your blog and find so many diverse books to read from your recommendations ☺️
Yay!! So excited for you!!
Hi Shealea! I know I’m probably too late, but (belated) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I’m new to your blog, but I can say that you did a pretty great job at it. Super excited for your book reviews/discussions. CONGRATS on graduating as Cum Laude amidst the pandemic!! Keep safe 🙂
Hi! Thank you very much! It’s always so lovely to encounter a new reader on my blog, and I’m so honored that you’re taking a chance on my content. ? Take care and stay safe as well. ?
Welcome back! Your insights and blog posts have been missed.
I’ve not been active with reading blog posts or blogging (or bookstagram or honestly anything book related) but I had to start catching up with your posts!
Aww thank you, Ara! Your support and friendship mean so much to me. I hope you’re doing okay, and I hope you know that it’s totally okay to take a break and to pace yourself. I love you. ?
Congratulations on your double milestone – the relaunch and your birthday!
Thank you, Linda! ?
Congrats on your relaunch!! (Also happy belated birthday from one Leo to another!??)
Thank you, fellow Leo! ?
i’m so late to commenting on this, but congrats on the relaunch, shealea!!!! ??? your blog looks AMAZING, and i know that none of us are ready for the content you’re gonna serve ?
Caitlin, as someone who’s privy to all my idea dumping, you’re right. No one is ready. ?
Thank you so much for your friendship and support! It means so much. ?
Shelea, Welcome back! And congratulations on all you have accomplished this past year!
Thank you so much, Kathleen! ?
Welcome back Shelea and a wish you a very happy birthday! I am so glad you are back, and with a bang at that! I have joined the book blogging community relatively recently (Mar 2020) but have already heard SO SO many good things about you and I can’t be more excited at the relaunch of your gorgeous blog! And I am loving the aesthetics – its beautiful and calming. YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION! I will be eagerly looking forward to more content from you??
Aww thank you!!! I still consider myself to be a small fish in a huuuge pond, so hearing stuff like this is always pretty surprising. ? But I appreciate your support, and it’s always amazing to connect with new bloggers. ?
Welcome to the blogging community! If you need anything, my inbox is always open. ☺️
Congrats and Happy Birthday! Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Thank you, JV! ☺️
Welcome back!!! It’s lovely to have you here again!! ^^
Thank you, Marta! ☺️?
SHEALEA! Welcome back! *throws celebratory (sunflower shaped) balloons* I know taking a break from blogging was the best thing for you, but I won’t lie: I missed reading your posts and seeing more in-depth content from you, so I am SO EXCITED for this relaunch. And your site is INCREDIBLE. Like, I’m pretty proud of mine, but yours is…this is an entire new level of blog design and gorgeousness. I love it (and am I bit jealous, tbh).
So excited for your return and cannot wait to see what you write! <3
Nicole, you’ve always been my biggest cheerleader and I truly don’t tell you how much I love you as often as I should. ?
I definitely missed everyone and everything about blogging. Especially writing posts. So I’m super excited to finally be back! ☺️?
Belated happy birthday to you here on this blog hehe. I’m truly happy and glad that you’re back. I missed you and your writing. I feel like I could get closer to you whenever I read your content and it’s so nice. Here’s to more beautiful things and years for you and your blog! uwu
Ynnah, you never fail to make me so emo. I’ve never felt like my writing amounted to anything, so hearing this from you is just!!! It means a lot!!! ?
Thank you! You are a darling, and I appreciate your support so much. ?
Happiest birthday, Shealea! I love your blog so much especially the Accessibility Tools. It’s very helpful! I hope you enjoyed your birthday. <3
Thank you, Yani! ?
Congratulations on your relaunch and graduation, Shealea! Happy belated birthday, too <3
Thank you, Maisie! ☺️?
HAPPIEST of birthdays again Shealea and congratulations on this incredible relaunch of your blog. I adore this new space so, so much, it looks absolutely stunning and I can see how much time and work you’ve put into this. I can’t wait to read all of your new adventures and I’m so happy you decided to start blogging again. It’s so wonderful to have you here, you’re such an unvaluable member of the community. <3 and thank you for mentioning me? this honestly means the world. ?
Wishing you all the very best for these new adventures <3
Marie! I missed your long comments the most. ? You are a shining light in this community, and you being mentioned here is the LEAST you deserve! You’ve been incredibly supportive when I was working on this revamp behind the scenes, and I cannot stress how grateful I am. I really wouldn’t have made it to this point with you. ?
Happy birthday, Shealea! I first followed you on twitter and now that I see it, your blog looks awesome. Welcome back! ?
Thank you! And hey, thanks for supporting me on Twitter! ☺️?
Happy birthday!! I have visited your vlog a number of times and I must say the site rocks!! I love the shiny new things in here and I am looking forward to reading more wonderful content from you. Good luck on your new adulting life. And more more books to come in the future.
Thank you, Ella! I’m very glad to hear that you like the new look. ?
Happy birthday, Shealea! It’s so exciting to be looking at your freshly revamped blog (which is also a reminder for me to keep working on mine!).
I hope this year (and many more years in the future) will give you happiness and success. I can’t wait to witness the blossom and growth of not just your blog, but also Caffeine Book Tours! I know that I’ve been MIA on Twitter for a while, but just so you know, I try my best to keep up with the latest news and tweets from CBT and I don’t even know why I feel like a proud mama to follow your journey this far!
Again, happy birthday! This year sucks, but you make it a bit more bearable. ?
Vinny, you’re making me cry omg. ? I definitely missed you, and I’m excited for YOUR revamp!!! My inbox is always open if you need anything. I love you. ?
So so proud of you and excited for what’s to come!!!
Thank you, Paola! ?
Welcome back! I’m loving your blog, it looks so stylish, and modern, and the sunflowers are a nice touch I adore as well♥
Really looking forward to reading your posts again!
Ahh!!! Pamela, that is exactly what I was going for. I’m so glad that I managed to achieve it somehow. And I’m very excited to be back. ☺️?
Welcome back and happy, happy birthday!!
Thank you, Angela! ?
Welcome back, Shealea! The blog looks absolutely stunning and I can’t wait to see what you do next.
(And congratulations on graduating! What a huge achievement!)
Thank you, Helen! ?
Welcome back Shealea, happy birthday and congratulations on graduating amongst all those other milestones you’ve achieved! Best wishes with the relaunch ❤️ I’ve just looked over on your homepage and your sister is so talented?!? The illustrations are so adorable, I especially love the sunset light coming through the window on the ‘books’ illustration!
Aww thank you, Sabrina! It has been one hell of a year, and I’m excited to share my experiences with everyone again. ?
And yes, my little sister did the art for me! I’ll definitely pass your compliments along to her. ☺️
Happy birthday! I first followed you on Twitter because of your blog tour company and I’m happy I decided to stick. 😀 All the best to you with your fresh re-start!
Thank you for your support! CBT is my little child, and I’m glad that you’re supporting me here as well. ?
Happy birthday, and congrats!
Looks like a lot going on for you, wish you all the best.
Thanks for the chance.
Thank you! ☺️
Welcome back, Shealea! I’m so excited to be seeing your posts again ?And I’m loving the new theme! ?
Thank you, Breanna! I’m glad to be back. ??
I’m a blogger at the Alliterates and I’ve been following you on twitter for….at least sometime after you took a hiatus. So glad to be reading some new content from you! I love it and happy birthday. I’m wondering about the accessibility options. Maybe for those of us that would like to make our own blogs more accessible you could talk about that? I’m not real tech savvy myself but I’m wondering if there’s something I can figure out. If you ever find time to do a post on that I’d def be interested!
Hi, Brigid! I appreciate you sticking around for that long. ?
I’m glad that you noticed the accessibility plugin that I installed. I don’t think I’m the most qualified to talk about accessibility because I’m still learning things myself. But I am open to talking about it if you’d like! My DMs are definitely open. ☺️
Happy Birthday, Shealea! I can now stop fidgeting and BREATHE – hahahah
Congratulations on another milestone! You’re absolutely amazing.
Omg. HAHAHA. Thank you! ?
Happy birthday, Shealea! ❤️
And welcome back! I love the new look and feel of your blog. Can’t wait to see what else you write on here. 🙂
Thank you for the warm welcome, Shruti! I’m so glad to be back. ?
Welcome back, Ate Shealea!
Thank you, Deynne! ☺️
Heyyyyaa! Happy birthday and congratulations! Wow cum laude! ??? The blogiverse missed you! It’s nice to receive newsletters from you again 🙂
Aww, thank you! I’m so excited to be back. I missed everyone too. ?
Ahh Shealea I’m so happy for you!! This revamp looks absolutely amazing and I adore everything about it! I’m glad you were able to take some time to focus and regenerate – can’t wait to see all the amazing things in your future!! ?
Aww, thank you! I’m happy that many people seem to like the new look. ? I’m extremely excited to create content again. ?
Your revamped blog looks amazing!!! A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Graduating and reaching those achievements are absolutely amazing and as a long time follower, I’m so proud of you and I really hope you are super proud of yourself too cause you’re such a hardworker and you have been an inspiration to ME for so long. Thank you for having me on that list with all those amazing bloggers too, its almost surreal ? I’ve been okay, considering I’m in a Stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne but mental health is going alright cause I’m reading so much more now! I finished These Violent Delights and wrote my review for it yesterday and it brought up all my emotions again ? I hope we can discuss it one day and even buddy read a book together ?
Tracy, you are so amazing and being mentioned here is the LEAST you deserve. ?
Thank you for all the kind words! I’m so grateful to have your support and friendship. I’m off to check out your review of TVD (I haven’t written mine yet! My brain is still drawing a blank!), but I do hope that we can buddy read someday. Hit me up whenever. ?
Ah you’re making me tear up T_T Thank you and always gonna have your back <3 My review isn't up yet cause I got my eARC from the Nerd Daily but I think I can post it on my blog next month 🙂 I will definitely hit you up on that buddy read soon 😀 So much love <3 <3
So wonderful to see you back and can’t wait to see what you do in this space!
Thank you, Sam! ☺️?
Happy birthday, Shealea! I’m so glad that you’re back and blogging! The new website is gorgeous!
Ahhh thank you! I’m really excited to be back. ☺️?
“Leave a comment on the blog relaunch post. Don’t forget to greet Shealea a happy birthday!” Happy birthday and happy book blog 2.0 birthday! I hope everything is going well for you book-wise and otherwise in this complicated era we’re in!
Happy birthday Shealea! I adore your gorgeous blog design 🙂
Thank you, Megan! ☺️
Happy Birthday, Shealea! I can’t wait to see your posts related to media theories, I’ve been waiting on those ones.
I’m most excited for those as well. Thank you! ?
happy birthday and welcome back to the blogiverse, shealea! i love the new design of your blog and i’m so excited for this new chapter on your blogging journey 😀 also, congratulations again for graduating cum laude! you’re such an inspiration to me <3
Aww thank you, Chloe! You are so sweet and supportive, and I can’t stress how glad I am to have your friendship. ? And I’m super soft that you like the new look!!! ?
happy birthday!!! i am soooo happy to see you blogging again and this website is so gorgeous. i don’t know where i would be in this community without you, and i am so happy to see that you are doing well. you do so much work for diverse books and getting OV books to OV readers. once again, thank you so much for everything, and your blog looks amazing!!
Thank you! You are the sweetest, and I adore you. ??
Welcome back and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I’m loving the new look and I look forward to reading your blog posts again.
Thank you, Sumedha! You’ve been around since my early blogging days, and I’m so thankful. ?
First and foremost, happy birthday, friend!! Hope you have a fabulous day! Secondly, SHEALEA I LOVE YOU <3 <3 <3
I'm absolutely screaming because the blog looks absolutely *GORGEOUS* ~ so fresh, clean cut, calming, and just. really pretty. I can't wait for more posts from you!! <3
Sara! Thank you so much, and I have so much love for you. ? I’m really glad (and relieved!) to be back.
The site took forever!!!!! But I’m glad you like the new look. ?
Happy birthday, Shealea!! I love everything about your new site, I’m so happy for you. Keep slaying, bhie!
I love you, girl. ??
I’m SO happy to see you back in full swing, Shealea! I LOVE the new look of the site, I feel like I might need a re-vamp too but I’m too emotionally attached to my current format ?
Zaheerah! I am so glad that you like the new look. I’m pretty proud of it. ?
I already adore your blog. I don’t know how you could improve it, but if you decide to relaunch, I’m definitely going to cheer you on! And my inbox is open if you need any help. ☺️
I’m so excited to see your fresh new page! It looks gorgeous. Happy birthday!
Thank you, Jess! Your support throughout this whole endeavor has meant so much. ☺️?
Happy birthday and congratulations on the relaunch. I look forward to your content.
This makes me motivated to have my own site.
Aww, thank you! ? Going self-hosted can be daunting. I’m hoping to write posts about it someday, and maybe they’ll be useful to you. ☺️
shealea!!! happiest of birthdays to you, i hope you have the loveliest day ?? i am so excited that you are back blogging again and i truly cannot wait to see all your wonderful posts! i’ve missed your presence in the blogging community so much ?
Thank you so much, May! You’ve been super supportive while I was quietly working on my revamp, and I can’t tell you how much that means to me. ? I’m glad to finally be back. ☺️
Happy birthday!!! Your blog is literally the best!
Aww, thank you! That’s a huge compliment. ??
Congrats on the blog revamp and relaunch! I’ve only been following you for about a month on Twitter but I can feel so much positive energy in this post and it feels like you’re really excited about your new space! I relaunched my blog this summer too, after a…2 year…hiatus lol It’s nice to feel like your mental health is good enough that you have the energy to create content, it’s been a rough few months with quarantine for sure but the bookish community brings me joy!
Hello! It’s always wonderful to connect with new people in this community, and I am so thrilled to meet you. ? Creating content and managing a blog can definitely take a toll on your mental health, so I’m really glad that I decided to take my time. I hope that your mental space is improving as well, despite the terrible circumstances. And thank you for all the lovely compliments! I’m grateful. ?
I can’t explain the joy I felt reading this post, (plus the extra when I realised you found inspiration from me! – shut up) I’m just so happy to reading your voice again in long form. I truly can’t wait to see what else you bring to us, and thank you again for being such an inspiration to ME!
Lauren!!! Your blog post about organizing categories really jolted my brain into thinking and into drafting how I wanted my blog to look like. And a ton of other posts you’ve made have been very helpful. ?
Being mentioned here is the LEAST you deserve. ?
Happy birthday and thank you so much for the giveaway!
Thank you! ?
I am so so happy to see you back, Shealea! And I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you have planned for this blog. And guess what, I launched by blog three years ago on my birthday too ?
Lately I haven’t been feeling motivated to blog ? big posts like these certainly push me to stay in this sphere. Thank you for always being a motivation and Happy birthday once again ?
Aww, Sim, you are the sweetest! ? Thank you so much! I’m very happy to be back.
Welcome back Shealea! I really do love the new look on your blog though I can’t really see it well since I’m on maybe phone because my laptop is broken 🙁 but sunflowers always look great and I love them!!
Also, a very happy birthday ❤️
Oh no, I’m so sorry. The theme should be responsive, but I’ll definitely look into it. Thanks for telling me! And I’m glad that you like the addition of sunflowers. ?
So excited for the changes! And congrats on the accomplishments
Thank you, Vee! I love you. ?
ahhhh!! first off, happy 24th birthday shealea ❤️. secondly, congrats on launching your blog version 2.0 which i’ve been waiting for ever since it went on maintenance. you’ve been a driving force for me to read lots more diverse books, as well as making me feel heard and recognised as an international poc book blogger. working with you and caffeine tours is one of the best decisions that i’d made. thank you for taking a chance on me when you’ve selected me as a tour host. 2020 hasn’t been easy but you’ve, nonetheless, achieved many things and stepped up in many ways.
hope you have a great birthday!
Belle, you are the sweetest human being. I truly never imagined ever having that kind of an impact on anyone. It really warms my heart that I, in some way or some form, have helped you see the value in what you do, which many other bloggers have done for me.
You are so incredible, and I know you’re bound to achieve even greater things. Thank you so much, lovely! Your support and your friendship mean so much. ?
Ah I’m so glad that you’re back ??? I was thrilled to see this post ?? welcome back and a very happy birthday to you ?
Aww, thank you so much! ?
happy birthday!!! and welcome back on the (active) blogging community with this new beautiful blog!! can’t wait to see your content!
Thank you so much! I have a ton of ideas, and I’m excited to share them with everyone. ?
Happy birthday and congratulations on your relaunch! I agree that your special day is an excellent one for this event. You’ve accomplished so much and I love the direction you’ve decided to take to share bookish ideas with your readers.
Aww thank you, Danielle! That’s very kind of you to say.
Shealea this blog is so so good! I’m really excited to read all your upcoming blog post!! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!
Thank you, Divyaa! You are so sweet, and I’m happy to hear that you like my blog’s new look. ?
Welcome back Shealea! Successful ka na and I see you’re very happy pursuing your passion. Congratulations again! Miss youuuu
Omg. Thank you, fam! You’ve been a silent supporter since Day 1, and sobrang grateful ako. Miss you rin! Sana magkita tayo when things are normal ulit.